Welcome to Georgia Wild Pigs
The information presented here is intended to educate farmers, landowners, hunters, and the general public on the biology and natural history of wild pigs, the issues caused by wild pigs, and to provide management techniques to control populations and mitigate the ongoing problems caused by wild pigs. At the forefront of our website we want to state that complete eradication of the wild pig in Georgia is improbable. The best that we can hope for is population reduction and control of this species.

What is a wild pig?
The wild pig—also known as feral hogs, feral swine, wild hogs, and wild boar—is a non-native, invasive species brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers in the early 1500s as a readily available food source. Wild pigs originated as domestic stock, and they were favored for release due to their unmatched survivability and because little effort was required to raise them.

Why are wild
pigs a problem?
Wild Pigs cause extensive damage to agricultural crops, livestock, forests, and the environment. They can also have detrimental effects on native wildlife species.

Basic management
of wild pigs!
Wild pigs can be controlled using either lethal or non-lethal methods. Non-lethal methods involve using exclusionary devices, such as fences to prevent feral hog access to a given area. Lethal control methods are the most practical and widely used which include sport hunting, shooting over bait, night hunting, trapping, and hunting with dogs.
Final Report: 2015 Georgia Wild Pig Survey
New! Georgia Landowner's Guide to Wild Pig Management

Click HERE for a PDF copy.
To obtain a hard-copy, please contact RVRC at:
River Valley Regional Commission
1428 2nd Ave
PO Box 1908
Columbus, GA 31902